Hi, I'm Bikal!

FullStack Software Engineer with high level of experience in both frontend and backend development, producing Quality work.


Transforming Visions

With a strong ambition to achieve my career goal as a Software Developer/Engineer, I am dedicated to continually expanding my knowledge of technologies and their foundations. Graduating from University with a Bachelor of Information Technology (Software Development), I have established a solid foundation in programming skills. Through self-directed learning and project development, I have obtained professional experience, including my recent position as a Software Engineer.

about pic

My Skills

Using the latest tech this world has to offer

My Projects

Library Management

Developed a comprehensive Library Management System using modern web technologies. Key features incl...


Personal Portfolio

Showcasing my work and skills, this portfolio uses Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript for a sleek...


TicTacToe App

Developed a TicTacToe game using ReactJs. The game features a responsive design


Notes App

A simple yet intuitive note-taking application built with ReactJS and MaterialUI. This app allows us...


Dog Tinder

A fun and interactive web application inspired by the popular dating app Tinder, but for dog lovers!...


Contact Me

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Sydney, Australia